There's a surging feeling within me that I've made a contribution, one that really matters. My life is unique, and no-one else could have made this journey the way I have. The world is full of experiences. There are so many things to tell for those who are willing to read my version of stories and experiences. Some things must be remembered and shared.

Sharing a day breathing in each other scent while getting comfortable with each others skin. Breaking boundaries, exploring thoughts, studying habits, learning love. Planning our next move. Dreaming the future. Weeding through the past. It was a parasitic communicative act of the dire need to devour each other feelings of each epic moments in our lives. Elicit and consume.

Cooking is an essential skill required for vegetarians if we were to get complete satisfaction and nutrient from our meals. We get to choose the vegetables to put in our dishes (for me, color play important part) and mockmeat to compliment the overall texture. Spices and sauces are the key ingredient to entice the taste buds. Most people have false assumptions that vegetarian food are tasteless and bland. If we are willing to experiment with the ingredients, we'll find most of the meals we buy outside are lame and filled with unnecessary flavorings (MSG) and oil. We are raised to consume excessive flavorings especially from manufactured goods so much so that we find raw and fresh food tasteless when we don't get that blast of flavorings in our mouths (because we don't know how to make it so). We find food that are tasty because they actually had been flavored with chicken stock! We neglect the nutrients aspect of our food and we accept overcooked, prepared hours before and left heated throughout the day, fried, oily, over-flavoring dishes as part of our daily energy intake. We forgot how nature provides the goodness of fresh, crunchy and juicy vegetables and fruits ready for us to savor without prejudice.

Given how time consuming and elaborate preparing a meal can get, many people opt to enjoy their food at restaurant. But nothing really quite nurtures the soul of a family as a lovingly prepared home cooked meal, filled with the best intentions. Furthermore, cooking with/for someone you love is enough to add the sweetness on top of every dishes and joy in our bellies. (Rice) and (Stir fried broccoli, Chinese veg, mocklamb in mushroom "oyster" sauce) and (black pepper mockchicken) and (home-made bean sprout) and (carrot soy). There will be more...

That day, we experimented making sweet buns but due to inexperienced us, they got burnt. It was all part of the fun learning process. Baking is a new thing for us. Everything went well except for the oven's setting because we didn't know the appropriate adjustment. The buns turned black but the filling still was edible. Arip gave his friends the buns and they gobbled every last piece of it like starving vultures (even the top black crust!). Freegans!

Destiny is grotesque. If it wasn't we won't have this moment. Details of strange obstructions of us meeting each other at many events puzzled us. For me personally, I felt a greater force is at work. Finding the right moment to meet us. Now that we did, I'm grateful from the depths of my heart.

Meeting the other half is a gift. Falling in love is a revolution.

Our journey continues with burning desire of getting things done. Moving in a new space and recreate hope of a community, nesting new interests for our self and others, most importantly provide shelter for enthusiastic lovers and friends.

More baking, cooking, gardening, bicycle and DIY projects, music making, art, sharing etc.

Now is the time to repair, repaint, fixing, building, construct, and decorate!

(A) space of infinity.


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