Weather Underground

Today I came back to Shah Alam after crashing at Noisy studio for 2 days with the Wild Dogs and a day in Ponyo. The initial plan was for me to cycle from Noisy to Shah Alam but it was too damn hot yesterday that I had to stop at Ponyo to rest at noon. Did you feel the heat yesterday? It was so hot yesterday that Ponyo felt like a big oven or sauna. There was no wind at all. The trees stood utterly still with their leaves hanging with no movement at all. That night, I fell asleep at the badminton court in the playground in front of the house because I can't stand to be inside but the mosquitoes feasted on my blood. It is in this dry condition, these parasites come out and hunt for their food. I had to come back inside and brave the stuffy hot air in the house after battling with the blood sucking insects outside!

There were 3 traveling girl friends who arrived at Ponyo yesterday. Two from Aussie and one from Ireland. They were friends of Wojtec. Cekidut~! Woot woot.. (imitating Yuen). It was Wojtec's last day in Malaysia. He's going away somewhere yet again. This international lover can't stay still in one place for a long good period of time. There must be something to do with his legs.. They appeared to be normal but I think he has itchy or squirmy legs. Hehe.. I know when you are so used to traveling, you won't stop because there are so many places to visit. When you get into the rhythm of going on various transportation, you'll know the procedures and fussiness which country will get on your back because of your nationality. Discrimination on citizenship, skin color, background and your clothes does play a major drama for travelers and the immigration. Especially when you come from third world or troubled country (i.e UAE - terrorism?) See you soon Wojtec.

We looked up for the Polish artist, Zdzisław Beksiński after Cem's admiration of this guy. We ended up listening to repetitious haunting music from his website while being blown away by his artwork. Awesome artwork dia... Post apocalyptic. Very dark and lonely.... Same as the music.

Another artist we checked out was Nikki McClure who did the illustration for the Off the Map's cover. I love her artwork!!! She incorporates nature from her surrounding. Mostly from her back yard. She does stencilling for her work. They looked like normal computer or hand drawn illustrations but they are actually cut out from black paper.. Tedious but awesome~!

Okay.... I want to share a story about my encounter with the cops yesterday. I was cycling from PJ to Shah Alam and I was about to continue my ride after stopping for a drink when two cops approached me at my bicycle. I was somewhere very near to Hana's house. It was so freaking hot and I was so tired. I didn't want to argue as I know I did not have my identification card with me. One of the cops asked for it and I just gave him my library card instead. He asked me all sorts of questions. I gave the infos he wanted as I really want to get going. The second police who had finished cross checking with a guy who was further up the road came and started to threaten me to go with them to the police station. I said that was not necessary because they can check with my dad or sister as they were near by. He was playing the bad cop in this scenario of interrogation. Giving the fierce look. They were kind of accessing me with psychological tactic which I know a thing of two about it. I was playing the innocent girl role. They wanted to check my bags (I carried a couple of bagpacks on pannier and on my back) but I said there were only clothes and threads. I kept repeating that I was on my way to a friend's house to do work (sewing). That gave me a plus point being in the role of an innocent girl. After all the drama, the bad cop asked me to sing Negaraku to verify my nationality as true Malaysian. I almost burst out laughter but had to control it and I sang a couple of lines to please them and they let me go. Power tripping I tell you.. Intimidation. Instilling fear. Grrrr!

What a weird day.. when I was having breakfast earlier someone gave me a CD cover with Saleem's lyrics. It was so funny.

That evening it rained and Hana and I went out to dance..... We took a walk behind her house where there was guerilla gardens and lake. It is a community space. People actually plant things there because there were so many land to grow stuff. Bananas, pineapples, papaya, and heaps of vegetables. It is a place along huge power polls. The road was in a really bad condition. Pecah dan rabak. Everything feels like being in kampung when you block out the sound of the highway and the sight of the police headquarter building from its view. Some people were fishing at the lake. When we reached at the small jetty, one of them shout at us to be careful not to fall down into the lake. They were using some animal's stomach as bait (as I recalled from some experience fishing with friends long time ago). We stayed near the lake until the rain stopped and the sky cleared and the grey clouds vanished leaving the blue background. Sparrows came flying from all over. A few hanged at the electric cables while drying themselves. We love watching them sit together in pairs and we made silly conversation for them. We head home and quickly showered to avoid getting a cold and fever which we did (a pinch).

After, we cycled to get some mushroom soup, baked beans and Tabasco sauce which Hana craved for some wild weird reasons. It must be all the talk with ehem an English dude. Hehe sorry no Tabasco for you today Hana. Small shops doesn't carry this delicate sauce. Try Giant or Tesco. Oooppss free ads for them. No!!!


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