Banner for The Pips

Yesterday Yuen, Hana and I went shopping for stuff to make a banner for The Pips. Mula-mula nak ke rumah Yuen but bila nak dekat rumah dia kat Kajang baru dia realise dia tak bawak kunci rumah so kitorang ke rumah Karen instead.

Kitorang masak-masak! Vegie soup and Karen’s awesome dhal chicken. Set up stove kat luar rumah.. Chill gila. Macam ala-ala camping. We brought the projector out and watched Ponyo and The Diving Bell and Butterfly.

Lepas dah kenyang, banner making time... Karen helped to sew the cloth together. It was 3meter divided by two to make it more symmetrical square size. Yuen continued with the rest of the sewing while Karen cooked her dish. Mcm Ottoman~ Awww...

Memang best ada projector! Dapat buat screening n outline banner. Nanti hari Rabu ni baru nak color banner sama-sama.

I got a new toy! Yuen bagi pinjam Ocarina. It’s a flute like wind instrument. Cute pulak tu. Dia boleh jadi necklace jugak. Abis lah bising... I’ve been playing it like crazy.. I used to be on the recorder in the pancaragam when I was in primary school. Here’s a link to a sample of what Ocarina look and sounds like. Catchy habis!

That morning a few cyclist friends went for a protest in Damansara against the destruction of forest in TTDI. Too bad we can’t make it as I was sick and had made other plans.


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