Today kerja. Helped my father's catering at Klang for some factory. The owner of the factory belanja his workers for Chinese New Year celebration. He wanted a halal Chinese 8 course meal because a few of his workers are Muslims. The factory was some kind of machine assembling factory. It was my first time masuk these kind of kilang. Rare jugak lah.. The factory was not very big, the tables were set for about 56 people. I've worked at a restaurant in Putrajaya where they serve Chinese course so I knew a thing or two about Chinese table setting and those stuff related.

It was kind of kelam kabut as the day started. My father's car broke down. Battery's dead. A few essential items got left behind at the restaurant. Maybe they weren't that experienced to cater kot. We were half an hour late to get the meals out. I like yee sang! They're colorful.. Ok lah.. Semua mcm happy je celebrate makan2 dgn fellow workers. Siap ada yang mabuk lagi. Yeah in broad daylight dah pecah!

Just some observation when i was there.. Humans are destructors. In one day at a small factory like this, I've already noticed the waste the factory produced and discarded. There was oil and some other chemicals flowing away in their gutter. The office smelled like some kind of chemical. It's scary lah to imagine what other thousands factories out there are doing. What their byproduct exposed and discarded into the environment and their effects on their workers as well as the earth.

Hmm.. I don't want to write about this sangat.. Kind of tired today. The heat of the air today was unbearable. Some more the catering was outdoor! I'm dehydrated. I need to replenish myself with water and rest!


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