Mono in Malaysia!

Last Saturday I went to see Mono perform at KL Pac with my friends Hana, Marr and Poodien. Thank you so much Poodien for buying me the ticket. I owe you one. Hana, Marr and I went as early as 6.30 p.m (one and a half hour early! – semangat!) Slowly the fans started to arrive at about 7 p.m. We can see many familiar faces such as friends from Findars (I think they have connection with the organizer of the concert – Soundscape Records coz they managed the booth and entrance). We also bummed into some friends.. To name a few, Fahmi (FSF), Nobeat (Crimescene), Zairy (Suara Anak Muda), Yasir Sunway, etc.

The show started with an opening act by the famous Deepset. Apparently, they are friends of Poodien that used to live/squat together. They give me chills every time they play their piece.

Mono was awesome! It was a mind-blowing experience just to be at the center of the crowd. They are an instrumental post rock band from Japan. That night they played 10 songs. I almost couldn't stand up as my feet started to ache on the seventh song. They were so brutal with their sudden attack of shock noise. It was a nice pick of list of songs as they alternate soft and steady tones with the fast sudden attacks.

The set list:
1.ashes in the snow
2.burial at the sea
3.follow the map
5.are you there
6.2candles,1 wish
7.where am i
8.kidnapper bells

The atmosphere of the set was surreal as the whole night Mono had succeeded in pulling out our souls and let us radiate endlessly around the hall along with the magic of their majestic sounds. They reached so deep into my heart and mind that I almost could feel myself somewhere out of this world. They were truly professional performers who knows to vary their acts to keep us entertain. They did not spoke a word throughout the performance to keep people focus with the feel of the entire set. They are legends!

I love when they play the seventh song, from that moment I could feel that they are making their statement saying that this is us – Mono. They stood fierce side-by-side fronting with their guitars. They are unforgivingly cruel with this song as though making a vicious vindication - this is what you’ve been waiting for. All the alternating feeling came.. sadness, depression, love, hate, inspired, captivated, levitated, revitalized, power. It was intense!

It was definitely different from the usual punk/HC gigs because I feel that instead of ranting out and let everything out of my system, I actually felt something went in as well. They had given us a gift of their beautiful music and we transcend with the feeling of fulfilment thus bind us of our wounds. Making us realize that there are some beautiful little sparks of magic and wonders in this corner of the earth where we had gotten together and share this special moment.

By the end of the show, we were calling for an encore as though Mono resembles some sort of drugs. Their music is addictive. We just couldn’t get enough of them. We wanted more of the assemble nirvana. They were tired I guess and wanted to prepare themselves for the next session that is the autograph session with the fans.

My friends and I didn’t get their autograph or meet them in person as we were rushing to get back because we went there via public transportation and didn’t want to pay the extra midnight charges but we were intoxicated and happy seeing Mono perform live! There were no other experiences I would trade for this one. Maybe I’m just a sucker for adrenaline and endorphin. :P Mono I love you!

p/s: that night, I've received a book titled "Understanding Comics" by Scott McCloud translated to Bahasa Indonesia from Poodien! He bought it when he was in Yogjakarta. How sweet! Thanks~


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